Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome can begin very subtly at first. There might be numbness or tingling in the hand or wrist. It may take a while before it’s even noticeable and initially, discomfort may only be realized at night or first thing in the morning. In time, however, that feeling of discomfort will become increasingly painful and may develop into Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.

Primary areas to feel burning, tingling, or numbness are in the palm of the hand as well as the thumb, index, and middle fingers. In the early stages, it might feel like your fingers or hands are falling asleep. Pain or tingling might also be noticed when driving or holding something. It may become difficult to make a fist or grab objects.

This tingling and pain are caused by pressure on the median nerve—this nerve is in a kind of tunnel running along the length of the arm. The median nerve allows the hand and fingers to move and also enables feeling there.

The main cause of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is repetitive motion like typing, writing, or playing a musical instrument. Any movement where the hands are lowered and are doing the same motions over and over might cause undue stress to the median nerve.

Left untreated, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome will continue to cause pain and muscle cramping. The median nerve will become more irritated which can lead to loss of feeling in hands and fingers, loss of strength, and overall slower nerve impulses.