pitching guide

Pitching Guide

As youth players’ bodies develop, they are susceptible to injury, especially pitchers. Every Coach should be prepared to step in well before a player reaches their redline. It is very common in college and pro ball teams to chart statistics. A pitching guide is a very valuable statistical tool for every pitcher and youth coach.

Why? Dr. Joseph L. Finstein, an orthopedic specialist focusing on sports injury management, explains in his recent blog post how little league shoulder creates pain and swelling in a pitcher’s shoulder. Also called proximal humeral epiphysitis, this condition is an overuse or repetitive stress injury that is directly related to the body mechanics of repeatedly throwing a ball. Left undiagnosed, little league shoulder will intensify and can lead to severe three-dimensional humeral deformity.

Below is the free download of Dr. Finstein's recommendations for youth pitchers to help reduce their risk of injury:

Download Pitching Guide

Download Dr. Finstein's recommendations for youth pitchers below:

pitching guide

There are several ways to prevent little league shoulder. Good body and throwing mechanics, and core strengthening are important. However, the most effective way to prevent the condition is to monitor pitch counts. Everyone at Pontchartrain Orthopedics & Sports Medicine wishes every team and player a successful, safe and fun baseball season.

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